Since 2015, the Smart and Sustainable Planning for Cities and Regions conference has been the place to discuss planning methodologies and tools to help the transition of urban areas towards smarter and more sustainable living.
Each edition has brought together researchers, practitioners, and stakeholders from around the world to address issues such as climate change, energy efficiency, and socio-ecological transformation. Most of all, the conferences have been a collaborative environment to share ideas, plan future projects, and help shape the cities of the future.
Discover each edition’s topics, read the abstracts and the proceedings.

The 2022 conference focused on energy, climate, and health crises, and solutions for socio-ecological transformation, climate-neutral cities, and energy self-consumption.

The conference focused in supporting the ‘transposition’ of research into practice and visionary approaches into (planning) policies and tools, to be applied by local authorities and decision-makers in an urban and regional context.

The focus of the conference was on transition of urban areas towards smarter and more sustainable places, addressing climate change, energy efficiency, and innovative infrastructures.

The first edition of SSPCR conference, sharing methodologies, tools, and experiences to support the transition of cities and regions towards smarter and more sustainable dimensions.